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TruPixel은 세계 최고의 SPAD 핵심원천기술을 기반으로, 차세대 CIS 국산화를 성공시키며 글로벌 테크 기업으로 성장해 나가겠습니다.
SPAD(Single-Photon Avalanche Diode) 센서는 단일 광자를 검출할 수 있을 정도로 민감한 차세대 이미지 센서입니다. TruPixel은 저가 대량 생산이 가능한 CMOS 공정에서 고성능의 SPAD 센서에 대한 글로벌 수준의 기술력과 IP를 보유하고 있습니다. 또한, 이러한 기술적 리더십을 지속적으로 강화하기 위한 다양한 원천기술의 개발을 지속하고 있습니다. 이러한 기술적 우위를 통해 국내외의 다양한 기업들과 협력을 통해 다양한 어플리케이션에서의 SPAD 센서의 상용화를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 이를 통해 글로벌 IP Provider로서의 입지를 다지고, 전문 팹리스 기업으로 성장하며, SPAD 기술의 상용화를 선도해 가고 있습니다.
SPAD (Single-Photon Avalanche Diode) sensor technology is highly complex and held by only a few companies worldwide. We have secured CMOS-based SPAD sensor mass production technology targeting various applications and are strengthening our core IP competitiveness through collaboration with domestic and international semiconductor and SOC fabless companies. By doing so, we are establishing ourselves as a global IP provider and growing as a specialized fabless company, leading the commercialization of SPAD technologyMeet Our Team
Experts dedicated to advancing SPAD technology and shaping the future.
Myung-Jae Lee
Associate Professor, Electrical and Electronic Eng., Yonsei Univ.
Former Pl, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Former researcher at EPFL and TU Delft
20+ years of experience in R&D of SPAD
Sungchul Shin
Samsung Electronics
Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Patent Attorney in Korea / MBA
Jae-Young Kim
Ph.D Arizona State Univ.
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology and Hana Bank Corp.
10+ years of experience in R&D of Semiconductor Device
SPAD (Single-Photon Avalanche Diode) is a key component in single-photon sensing technology, widely applied in LiDAR systems and photon-counting SPAD cameras. SPAD enables precise detection of weak photon signals at the single-photon level, essential for LiDAR systems. It emits laser pulses and measures reflected signals to obtain distance and 3D spatial data. Manufactured using CMOS processes, SPAD offers benefits such as low cost, mass production, and higher integration, making it ideal for LiDAR system commercialization. It is expected to be widely used in autonomous vehicles, augmented reality (AR), 3D sensing, and more.
We specialize in designing individual SPADs and arrays, characterizing and analyzing SPADs, and enhancing their performance. SPAD development in standard CMOS processes is complex and held by only a few global companies. Leveraging advanced research and specialized knowledge from KIST, we aim to drive successful commercialization. We utilize various process options (thick Epi, Full DTI, trench guide, ulens, BSI, etc.) to enhance performance metrics like photon detection efficiency, dark count, dead time, and low jitter, meeting the demands of diverse industries.
what we do
Technology Introduction
Our company's Single-Photon Detector/Sensor is applied in various advanced fields, including LiDAR, AR/VR, biomedical imaging, and quantum communication.
Sample of SPAD Device
SPAD Array Device Design Example
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
3D Image Example
Multiple awards for excellence in SPAD technology and innovation.
We hold multiple patents and design